Svetlana Nikolaevna Romanova

Model: MiniFee Rheia BW A-line
Hair: Leeke
Eyes: Enchanted Eyes
Face-up: The Sinister

Name: Svetlana Nikolaevna Romanova
Alias: Sveta, Madame Zorya
Age: 25
Ethnicity: Russian
Family: Not on record
Biography: Svetlana was born in Moscow, but details of her life before the circus remain a mystery. She is now part of a troupe of performers and lives alone in a small caravan. Her specialty is fortune telling and tarot. She can usually be found in her palm reading tent, shuffling her cards. She enjoys reading and people watching. Svetlana smells of pine and snow.

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Svetlana is a woman shrouded in rumour and intrigue. People say that she is descended from the Russian aristocracy, but she has never confirmed nor declined these stories. If you were to ask her about her past, she would smile gently and return to her cards. No one quite remembers how Sveta joined the troupe. Although it is thought that she arrived at roughly the same time as Étoile, many have said it feels like she has always been there.