Lenore Allegra del Fiore

Model: MiniFee Ryeon NS A-line
Hair: Luts
Eyes: Enchanted Eyes
Face-up: The Sinister

Name: Lenore Allegra del Fiore
Alias: Lela, la Rosa Dolce
Age: 14
Ethnicity: Italian-English
Family: Her father (absent since birth) was a wealthy Italian businessman and her mother (deceased) was an English ballerina.
Biography: Lenore was born in the stage lights. She is now part of a troupe of performers and lives alone in a small caravan. Her specialty is dancing, especially ballet. She can usually be found looking in her dressing room mirror, inspecting herself. She likes wearing fancy gowns and her toy cat, Mister Marmaduke Jinks. Lenore smells of roses and cocoa.

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Lenore is childish yet impossibly graceful. Her mother was an English ballerina who, while on tour in Italy, fell in love with a dark, dashing Florentine. She was young and naive, and he left her pregnant. A true romantic, she gave the child the father's surname, determined to hold onto the memory of her former lover. When she was born, Lela was so beautiful that she became the little princess of the ballet, spoilt rotten by all. Unfortunately her mother's career was already ruined and the two of them were forced to travel back to England where her mother struggled to keep up with her daughter's demands. Before she died of a disease of the lung, Lela's mother wrote to an old school friend, a young woman who had chosen to follow her own parents' footsteps and preferred the big top to the opera house. She asked her old friend if she would take Lela in and look after her, not wanting her vulnerable daughter to suffer on the streets. Having seen her daughter safely handed over, she soon passed away.

Although Lela has been with the circus for a number of years, she has not altered much from her pampered childhood. She has a constant companion, Mister Marmaduke Jinks, a small toy cat that she has had since birth. She spends most of her time bossing the other girls around, although she is slightly nervous of Svetlana. They would tell you that they ‘tolerate’ her, but they are rather fond of her impish ways.